霧感髮色已經很常見,要如何從海量作品中獨樹一幟?在頭髮區塊堆疊透明感色調,玩出高級的輕盈質感,彩度降低,卻粉嫩加倍!甜橙、粉棕、粉嫩馬卡龍色系和諧配置,仙氣清新好療癒 🌫️
@kino_hair 線上課程 《 夢幻馬卡龍手刷染》
即日在 宇宙教育 上線 預購$900大洋
一起讓作品集為之一亮 吧!
your hair like this, but you have to let your guests know that you’re great! Misty Chromatic hair color is already very common, how can you distinct yourself from the masses of works? Mixing transparent color tones in the hair sections creates a high-level foggy texture, with reduced chroma, but double it up with a matte look finish! Sweet orange, pink brown and pink macaron colors are harmoniously configured, and the fairy is fresh and healed.