

來自高雄握手髮藝的米奇 @voso_mk , 將木馬捲紋研發改良,自創散發出嫵媚迷人的深刻卷紋。讓捲度更立體蓬鬆,同時保留厚重感。同於利用剪燙技巧 加強小顏效果,適合圓型臉、小臉、稜型角臉,都能透過此款髮型達到高度修飾。

《 米奇客製蓬鬆木馬捲》即日上線
新課優惠$1200 / 原價$1500
🔗 前往課程請安這裡

There is a kind of hair curl called “Mickey’s Custom Fluffy Perm”. Mickey , from Kaohsiung Voso Hair, has developed and improved the perm technique, creating a charming and charming deep curling pattern. The curls are more three-dimensional and puffy, all the while retaining its sense of thickness, which strongly expresses the multi-layered curl. It is the same as the use of scissor technique to strengthen smaller face effect, suitable for round faces, small faces, and angular faces.

