

KEN桑 @kensan666 個人頻道近20萬人氣訂閱Youtuber/髮型師,以分享美髮知識、他是日常生活為大家所知。這一次專訪,他分享了拍影片之前、之後的種種人生高峰和低谷,造就現在這個充滿故事的他。這一次,宇宙帶著大家認識你絕對沒有看過的KEN桑!


KEN Sang: “I’m not born rich and handsome, so if I can do it all, then I believe everyone else can do it.”

Nearly 200,000 people subscribed on his personal online youtube channel. Youtuber/hairstylist KEN Sang shares his hairdressing techniques and is open regarding his daily life routine to everyone. In this interview, we interviewed him before and after the filming of various changes in his life and before his fame began. Our conversation was fruitful with him expanding many sides to his stories that people won’t commonly hear. This time, we will show you a side to KEN Sang which you have never seen before!


