🐎 黑馬思維:業績翻倍の自我鍛鍊

🐎 黑馬思維:業績翻倍の自我鍛鍊

反覆回顧14年人生經驗,設計宇宙創辦人Eddie @edw0822 他煉出四句話總結:「你想要做什麼?你要會做什麼?努力縮短這中間差距,你真的就會變成一個快樂且充滿成就感的人。」強烈的想要配上付出,你的生活方式將逐漸引領你走向,隨心所欲而自我實現的那條路。
📢 5/10(一) 無限賽局:贏得自己想要の未來
🥛感謝最美咖灰廳 @milkbarbybka
16 mindsets to succeed, the founder of Design Universe, Eddie Wang, has finally spoken!
🐎 Blackhorseidea: Self-exercise for Double Performance 🐎

Within 14 years of life experience in the professional industry, he summarized his experiences into a four-sentence life lesson: “What do you want to do? What new skill do you want to attain? Fill in the thinning line between these words, and you will become a happy and fulfilled person.” Passion is always accompanied through dedication, and your lifestyle will gradually lead you to the path of self-realization as you have dream.

