講座必問問題:「 如何讓新生代與老屁股接軌?」
六年級生的老生常談? 🥱
設計宇宙創辦人 @edw0822 分享,不妨考慮讓團隊加入中生代主管,新生代溝通方式調整,資深前輩理解新思維,不強求也不為難,疏通代溝建立對話橋樑。
Get the future you want
“How to connect the new generation with the old one?” It’s an upmost important question which every speech should consider speaking about.
Try to get the team to join the Mesozoic era and have their supervisors, adjust the communication methods of the new generation. Guide the new thinking of senior seniors. Do not force or impose, and you will establish a bridge of new communication between the two generation gap.
Eddie Wang, the founder of Design Universe, verified the results through his experience of 14 years of work and condensed it in a solid 2 hours of sharing, providing managers with key decision-making capabilities and mindset solutions🎯🎯 Thank you for your enthusiastic participation!