【台灣微光設計師】時裝設計師品牌 Ne.Sense feat.Michael


NE.SENSE 品牌主理人Michael @topia_mfh :「雖然我們IG看起來酷酷的,但其實我們的人都是很親切。」

一走進 NE.SENSE(@ne_sense) 選貨店舖,從店裝、音樂到服裝都很有高級Sense,
熱愛時尚之人都不要錯過 Necessity Sense!

Ne.Sense is a fashion retailer operating both at it’s retail space and online store.
Beyond its core of fashion retailing, they frequently ventures into the blurred lines of art.
“Cool” is the chosen word in defination of Ne.sense.
Michael, the brands’ core, claimed that ”We looked cool on the instagram presentation,
but we are actually nice and friendly in the reality.”
The fact is, walking into Ne.Sense, the atmosphere presented by the music,
space and fashion vibes with well-sensed and showcases the appreciation towards arts and Taiwan. Just check it out!

