生活太緊? 時髦大叔寬哲學| 專訪寬學院創辦人David

專訪寬學院創辦人 David
課程報名連結 👉 https://reurl.cc/0D2b9x
☑️ 寬學:聊教育,是美感傳遞與經驗的傳遞
☑️ 寬品:聊選品,是找到從容方便的學習方法
☑️ 寬廚:聊下廚, 是人與人交流經驗分享
☑️ 寬鬆:聊露營,是心態富足後的餘韻放鬆

#大叔談露營 #315超啟發講者
Having a tight and frantic pace life ? Listen to this stylish gentleman’s relax-philosophy ! Reunion with old friends and dining at home? Camping at the nature? The Universe Interview- Kuanacademy founder- David Chan

He has been living in between the top fashion salon at the East district and the nature, in trend but chilled. His kindness and amiable personality comes from his belief in only equipping both sensibility and rational could become the hair stylist who create art piece in hair through business.

