自詡為 #延吉街李小龍 透過健身向偶像致敬
擔任八年 Bii 畢書盡 專屬造型師 劉提姆Tim,工作時收起笑容的他,立顯嚴謹專注,注重藝人隱私,拿著造型品專注在拍片之餘微調細節,髮型師,始終是一門最隱而不顯的專業
Working as Bii’s exclusive stylist for 8 years, he is professionally focused during work.
Attentive to artist’s privacy and fine-tuning looks in between shoots with styling clay in one hand, hairstyling have always been a more subtle profession.
He enjoys being a hairstylist, and feels genuinely happiness when clients emerge glamorous. Fame and fortune are not his pursuit, but finds content in self-growth and living everyday to its fullest.