2萬網友瘋搶神秘黑EMOJI 只送不賣 feat.斜槓髮型師 蓋瑞

最近在IG免費送出自製『多色EMOJI表情包 』,讓IG限動變得更有質感,真是位不折不扣得大善人,
聽聽他怎們看待「 斜槓 / 」這件事吧!

The universe secret! Slashie stylist- Gary
20k followers’ craze! Designed dark series emojis giveaway!
If you’ve seen our Ubereat series video launched earlier, you must have seen this guy! Gary Is having absolute achievements in different industries!
Recently, launching out his own designed qualified colorful emojis on Instagram! Use it and upgrade your insta stories! Such a nice person, let’s see what they’ve said about slashies!
