不用飛到荷蘭就可體驗的視覺嚮宴! 再見梵谷-光影體驗展 Van Gogh Alive Taiwan

初五走春 :今年絕對值得朝聖的視覺嚮宴!不用飛到荷蘭就可體驗的 再見梵谷-光影體驗展 Van Gogh Alive Taiwan

透過現代科技與多媒體技術,以40 多台高畫質投影機搭配影院級環繞聲效,加上近 3 層樓高的360 度環繞式巨型螢幕,
打造出一個跳脫現實的超平行時空,一走進去秒被這空間震懾住了,彷彿做時光幾穿越19 世紀再見到梵谷了!

展覽資訊: 再見梵谷-光影體驗展 Van Gogh Alive Taiwan
▸ 時間|2020/1/15 (三) – 4/5 (日) 11:00~20:00
▸ 地點|新光三越信義新天地 A11 館六樓

You do not want to miss this year’s visual festival!You don’t have to fly to Holland to see this and you can experience it here. “Van Gogh Alive-lighting show”.
It has been toured over 50 cities around the world, more than 6 million people saw this show.
Why is it so famous? Most people went to show to “simply see” something, this show will change your view and sensation and go beyond your expectations.
Highlight:Using modern technology and multimedia technique, more than 40 projectors and Dolby surrounding sounds equipment and 360-degree landscaping giant screen. It creates a surreal super parallel reality.
You will have an astonishing experience. it feels as if you go through the time and revisit Van Gogh in the 19th century.
With digital Van Gogh’s handwritten transcript, you will be inspired by Van Gogh’s great arts.
