用實惠的價格 收編時髦的態度😎
當日活動募款金額總計新台幣$44,954元 善捐予兒福聯盟─孩子的守護者「偏鄉弱勢學童關懷方案」
地點:台中金典酒店4F 綠園道商場
福予貳館Fin、Little Secret王騰騰、HOCC × 摸摸小姐、Genic Salon Grace、 Coii & Hair Photo 髮型攝影 小柚、
anniyo 安妞、俐落男仕理髮廳 Vicky、Pres Hair.痞斯、Glitz hair 偉恩、E3 SALON 阿金
3/17 Second-hand Bazaar
The stylists of trendsetters, artists and entertainers are releasing their own collection of fashion items for everyone!
Free admission lets everyone have a stylish attitude at affordable prices! We welcome all who interested in it.
We invite popular stylists to gather together and make the best use of influence. Not only doing hairstyles but also being able to give back to society.
After the activity income is deducted from the venue fee, half of the proceeds will be donated to he Child Welfare League Foundation.