髮廊也是可以過節的地方!Pop up法式甜點駐店計畫

一邊做頭髮一邊吃現烤甜點也太享受!平安夜舉辦POP UP法式甜點駐店計畫

在 萃CUI 店裡,不只是滿滿的客人和吹風機聲音,還能聞到甜點與咖啡香氣,
期間限定與 少女生活食譜 GABEE. 合作的 pop-up法式甜點駐店計畫,

萃CUI 不只是一間髮廊,也是一個實驗廚房,不定期以POP-UP形式與優質選品合作,提供不只是髮型的多元形式的美學體現空間。

Many people choose to change their hairstyle around the end of the year so that they can have a good look when having parties with family and friends.
At @萃CUI, there’s not only full of customers but also full of delicious smells from desserts and coffee.
That’s the French pastry pop-up store at CUI Salon cooperated with 少女的生活食譜 and GABEE. Customers who came around Christmas time can have their good-looking hairstyles done as well as taste freshly baked French desserts, warming their hearts and stomachs to welcome 2020.
CUI is a salon along with an experimental kitchen. It holds pop-up stores irregularly, cooperates with various fine brands, meantime it’s also a place that demonstrates diverse styles of aesthetics.
