
結合餐廳、酒吧、髮廊複合式空間 UNIX x 寓 Salon Restaurant Bar ,
不但可以體驗UNIX造型工具, 還有提供營業到凌晨兩點的深夜沙龍,晚上髮廊空間秒變身時髦餐酒館🥂,
下次去台中一定要和好友一起來做造型、喝小酒、享受美味的下酒菜!🤘🏿 #夜貓子新據點

Great news for the Night owls!
The leading brand of salon in Korea , UNIX has their first flagship store grand open in Taichung. The UNIX Flagship store embraces an impressive difference from traditional salons. Not only a salon, service until late night , but also a restaurant bar! 🥂Get pretty and cheers! Check this amazing multi functional salon! 🤘🏿
