由Nosy主辦的分享講座昨天在台北101舉辦, 邀請到 @kentwu_official 深情熱唱開場 🎸,主理人哈利 @nosymrharry1129 以「彼岸」為主題,呼喚以扶持取代同業競爭,以認可尊重取代鍵盤diss, 在正向的競爭下對話,講者包括人氣髮型師 Hanna @hanna0510__nosy 、台中精靈短髮專門 @shiori.poly.ali ,談風格、審美、理念,在社群時代下,找出有跡可循的態度精神!😎
Yesterday at Taipei 101, at a conference hosted by Nosy, the host Harry used “The Other Side” as the theme of the speech. Calling on each other to replace competition in the same industry with support, replace digital diss with recognition and respect. And coexisting with each other under positive competition. Interviewed speakers includes Taichung poly Ali who specializes in short hair elves’ cut, and popular hair stylist Hanna. They conversed about style, aesthetics, and concepts. In this era of the community, find out the attitude and spirit that can be traced through them 👏😎