髮界天后 Miyake 的10個社群經營秘訣
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最多人追蹤的台灣設計師帳號 @miyake.mpalace ,她在社群上面的活躍度相信大家有目共睹,曾在 Korea Loreal時尚高峰會獲頒網路經營數位領袖冠軍獎,她是如何做到的? 不只如此,課程後還有驚喜彩蛋,是超可愛的貓咪吐司啦~🐱🐱 想增進社群經營的粉絲和喜歡烘焙的親朋好友們,千萬不要錯過線上課程!
《 髮界天后Miyake:10個社群經營秘訣》
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10 social media management secrets of Miyake, the queen of the world
The Taiwanese brand designer, Miyake, which is renowned by many people, highly believes that in the network of community, everyone has ideas that can be shared. She has won the True Internet Digital Entrepreneur Champion Award in the Korean fashion peak. How did she do it? In the course, there are some surprise post-credit scenes, a tutorial to make a super cute cat shaped cake ~ Fans who want to support Miyaki, friends and families who love to bake, designers who wish to up their social media presence, we highly recommend that you don’t miss this special edition of online course!