《AB正傳講座全記錄》 片長159分鐘
AB正傳是由新生代沙龍經營者 @sieg_bruce 、亞洲燙髮天后 @abbyabbychen 共同演出,2位產業影響力者真實地分享自己的故事。在受到眾人關注前,要付出多少心力去 被看到、尋求 同行的認同、面對質疑時的 心理素質,強悍、勇往直前、果斷、獨立是他們的關鍵字。
AB正傳 presents 2 top industry influencers on to the spotlight. One is a new generation luxurious salon executive manager Bruce, and the other is a popular Asian perm diva empress Abby. These two high end fashion industry figures will not be talking about any technical skills this time, but will be sharing the truth about their personal lives. Two humans, two dissimilar lives, diverse stories, and two vigorous spirits, will bring you unparalleled positive energy which will make you strong to push forward courageously wherever you are.
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