感謝桃園Twins 體系邀課,不論是哪個世代,紛紛開始將眼光轉向社群經營🖱
對美髮設計師而言,也是拉近與客人距離的最佳工具 📱
Twins II Hair Salon 桃園中正店
Twins Hair Salon 龍潭店
Twins Hair Salon 旗艦店
對課程有興趣 歡迎邀課交流🥳
One day tutorial class: Instagramming- the Dark Horse theory
Great thanks to the Taoyuan Twins 創 ‘s invitation. No matter which generation, people tends to have their eye on the social media vibes. To the hair stylists, visual advertising is definitely a great tool to attract potential guests.
The Dark Horse , is a breakthrough on cogitation, which can be difficult though sounds easy. Only if you are deep-hearted enough, you will be able to break the wall. Hang in there ! Hang